1. What does this privacy policy mean?

We care about your privacy and personal data security. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation ), we provide you with a particularly transparent and fair processing of your personal data.

This privacy policy (hereinafter the Privacy Policy) reflects the rules that must be followed by all visitors to the website www.nailinfinity.eu (hereinafter the Website) (hereinafter the Visitors).

It is considered that the Visitor has familiarized himself with and agreed to comply with the Privacy Policy if he has visited the Website, registered on it and (or) purchased the products for sale on the Website. A visitor who does not agree to any provision of the Privacy Policy loses the right to visit the Website, register on it and use the services offered on the Website.

2. What information do we collect?

We only collect and process relevant personal data that is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is processed.

By offering you products on the Website, SIA "NAIL inifnity": registration number 40203128148, address: Riga, Brīvības iela 174A - 8, LV-1012, Riga (hereinafter the Seller) may collect, store and use personal data.
Registration on the website: first name, last name, e-mail address.

Making purchases: name, surname, mobile phone number, delivery method, delivery address (when applicable) payment method, payment details.
information about your computer, your visits and purchases on the Website, including your IP address, as well as the time and date you registered on the Website;
Any other information you may provide to us while using our Site and the services we offer, or when communicating with us.

3. Cookies

Cookies contain information that is sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the web browser. We use Google Analytics to analyze the use of said Website. These tools generate statistics and other information about the use of the Website with cookies that are stored on the Visitors' computers. Information about visiting the Site is used to create reports of network usage. This information is stored by Google or a similar service provider. We also use cookies to recognize you as a Visitor who has already used the Site.

Most web browsers allow you to opt out of all cookies, some browsers only allow you to opt out of third-party cookies. Therefore, depending on your web browser, you can partially or completely refuse all cookies, but we draw your attention to the fact that blocking cookies negatively affects the use of our Website, without them you will not be able to use all the features offered by the Website.

When visiting the Website, a window is displayed to the user with a message that cookies are used on the Website. By continuing to use the Website, the Visitor confirms that he has familiarized himself with the terms of cookies, the purposes of their use, and agrees to them. Accordingly, the legal basis for the use of cookies is user consent.

If the Visitor has any questions about the use of cookies, please contact the Service Provider by sending an e-mail to the address info@nailinfinity.eu

4. Use of your personal data

We use the collected personal data only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

We may use your personal data to:

-give you the opportunity to use our Website and the services offered;

- conclude a contract with you and fulfill it;

- deliver the product purchased on this Website;

-write out and send you invoices and delivery notes;

- collect and collect your payments;

- send you notifications and correspond with you;

-reflect information about previous purchases;

- send by post, electronic mail or in another way our news and other information related to our services that we consider necessary for you (if you do not want to receive marketing communications in the future, you can at any time refuse to receive this type of news and information by notifying us about it by e-mail or by clicking on the interactive link below the notification received).

Your personal data is not stored longer than necessary for the purpose of the collected data. When personal data is no longer needed or expires, it will be destroyed.

Direct marketing

The company can send you via electronic means of communication (e-mail, text message or other form) information about products similar to those you bought on the Website and transfer your data to those data recipients who use the personal data that you have given to the Website administrator to the direct for marketing purposes. The list of recipients of this information may change, but the purpose will remain the same; if you want to receive a list of recipients of information, notify us by email to the address: info@nailinfiniy.eu.

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing offers, you can notify us of your refusal by writing to the email address: info@nailinfiniy.eu or by clicking on the appropriate link in each direct marketing communication sent to you.

5. Disclosure of Information

The Seller may disclose information about you to its employees, managers, intermediaries, suppliers and subcontractors if it is reasonably necessary to deliver the goods you have purchased on the Site and to reflect your previous purchase history, or for other purposes provided for in this Privacy Policy .

We may also disclose information about you if:

we have to do it according to the law;

to protect your rights or interests (including disclosing information about you to third parties in order to recover debts).

Personal information is not disclosed to third parties for a purpose that is not provided for in the Privacy Policy.

6. Security of your personal data

Your personal data is processed in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union, which regulates the processing and protection of this data. When processing your personal data, we use technical security measures that ensure the protection of personal data from accidental or illegal destruction, changes, disclosure, as well as any other illegal processing.
The transmission of personal data over the Internet is known to be insecure and we cannot guarantee the secure transmission of data over the Internet.

7. Your consent and rights

By registering as a user of the Website or otherwise using the services offered on the Website, including purchasing a product, you confirm that you are familiar with this Privacy Policy and agree to it, and thereby grant us the right to collect, store, systematize, use and process for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy all your personal data mentioned here and transferred to us during the use of the Website.

You can submit a written application (by post or electronic mail) if you want to receive information about the sources and what kind of your personal data the Seller has collected, for what purpose this data is processed, to which data recipients it is transferred. We respond to such submissions in accordance with the procedures set forth in legal acts and try to provide you with information as soon as possible, but in general within 30 days from the moment of receipt of the submission.

In response to your application, such information is provided in writing by sending it to the indicated postal or electronic mail address. Information about the sources and what kind of your personal data has been collected, for what purpose it is processed and to which data recipients it has been submitted during the last year, is provided free of charge once during the calendar year. Upon receiving the application, we have the right to request the applicant's identity document or a copy of this document.

You also have the right to request that incorrect personal data be corrected, to stop the processing (except for storage) of your personal data if the data is processed in violation of the provisions of this Privacy Policy; in these cases, you must submit a written application to us (by post or electronic mail). Based on your written request, we may delete all of your personal information, including your purchase history. Upon receiving the application, we have the right to request the applicant's identity document or a copy of this document.

8. Liability

By registering on our Website, you assume responsibility for the confidentiality of your password and user data, as well as for any activity (transfer of information, placing orders, etc.) on our Website. If the services offered on our Website are used by a third party using your registration data, we consider that the information is transferred and used by you. If you lose your registration data, you must notify us by post, phone or e-mail.

You are responsible for ensuring that the data provided to us is accurate, correct and detailed. If your previously submitted data (contact information) has changed, please notify us by e-mail. We are not responsible for any losses incurred due to the fact that you submitted incorrect or insufficient data or did not notify us of changes in the data.

9. Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to update or change the Privacy Policy at any time. Such renewed or changed Privacy Policy shall be effective from the moment of publication on the Website. In order for you to be informed about possible changes in the Privacy Policy, you should visit this Website from time to time and make sure that you are satisfied with the current version of the Privacy Policy.

10. Contact information

If you have any questions related to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following address:

SIA "NAIL infiniy"
Riga, Brīvības street 174A - 8, LV-1012
Registration no. 40203128148
VAT registration no. LV40203128148

Email address: info@nailinfinity.eu
Contact phone number: +371 26226611

The next update of the Privacy Policy was made on 01.11.2022.


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